
Arappatta Kettiya Graamathil (1986)


The film revolves around 3 friends who are enjoying their friendship to another level.


Language: Malayalam

Director/Screenplay – Padmarajan

Writer: Padmarajan

Cast:  Mammootty, Asokan, Nedumudi Venu

Genre: Drama

IMDb : Arappatta Kettiya Graamathil (1986)

Streaming on Youtube for Free.    

The film revolves around 3 friends who are enjoying their friendship to another level. You can see a hangover film with a serious note in Arapatta Kettiyagramathil.

The way its screenplay is carried out is shocking. Padmarajan has shown his magic at that time. The movie was released in 1986. The plot is (just like in new generation films-which I feel is a meaningless term) carried out in the time frame of 24 hours.

The director/writer brilliance is clearly evident throughout the movie, how subtly he handles both seamlessly. The movie is directed like a raw English film with no music clearly uncharacteristic of the period and the Industry at that time. The way he uses the background score to give the audience an immersive experience, Padmarajan brilliance is clearly visible. Unfortunately, the movie was not a huge success. It’s not enough to praise him after his death, and we cannot deny the path he has built for the cherishing Malayalam industry. Zachariah(Mammooty), Gopi (Nedumudi Venu), Hilal(Ashokan). Let’s start with the religious point, he has shown that there is no barrier for amazing friendships. It’s just another human characteristic that tends to influence us into good and bad deeds. There is no class, finance or caste difference in between this pure bonding between the main characters. The only thing that matters is the purest form of friendship shown.

In the first 20 minutes, he shows all these things in a bar. Both white and grey shades of human nature are exposed in each frame that is rebel nature, human relationships with no age difference, money ,caste, lust etc. I believe these are the fundamentals that we oblige in life in one degree or another. The story then continues with the entry of Joseph, a rich textile businessman. He is a vintage version of Dan Bilzerian who makes a sudden entrance with tons of cash. Within a short span, we get to know the protagonist Zachariah is not excited about his presence. Zachariah the man with conviction, the way he drinks, talks, we get a profound feeling that he is that guy in every gang with an extra bone. Then coming to Hilal, he is entirely the opposite, calm, sweet, Amul baby of his parents (when he joins the gang, he flips like a coin). He doesn’t even care what’s halal and what isn’t from then on. Last but not the least Gopi. He is an awkward mixture of both Zachariah and Hilal and is a Philogynist: someone who loves and admires women. The situation is blended with a bar song which is enough to let us know about all of their behaviour. Joseph is the man who puts a fire in them to enjoy the craving of a brothel, it then makes all of them start the journey at midnight itself. What happens next forms the rest of the story. The way Padmarajan handles sensitive topics like virginity caste is brilliant. Without disclosing much, the climax scene reminded me of Priyadarshan’s Vettam. The way he treated the ending is outstanding, we will feel like we have got a proper closure. All the characters in the movie have a distinct individuality and the movie can be seen as an ensemble to a great extent. You can definitely try out this Padmarajan flick.

Verdict: 5/7 stars.



Amal Sudhikumar

Amal Sudhikumar aka Sudhi, is a B.Tech graduate who jumped into a so-called white-collar job. Part-time scrambled writer, cinephile wandering around to just watch movies. He believes every movie we watch has an interesting element, which may differ from people to people. Yet, It doesn't mean we need to watch everything.

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Rahul Rana
4 years ago
